The Way Of The Elements™
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
— Carl Jung
As a motivated, driven, smart person you’ve surely accomplished a lot. In fact, your life is pretty good, but why isn’t it GREAT? What is the missing piece to absolute unconditional fulfillment?
Don’t waste another day being played by your mind, take a step forward towards your most powerful self.

You’ve achieved the goals, hit the targets, but never seems to be enough in the long run. What is that lingering feeling of unfulfillment? You know deep down that there must be more, there has to be. You simultaneously know and don’t know what you want, or rather, the shoulds and musts of life and limitations of your upbringing get in the way of your clarity.
You are not one to let life pass you by, yet you feel there is a missing piece, something holding you back from showing up as the very best version of yourself and living your purpose.
Here are some of the things you may be experiencing:
- Overthinking is keeping you from living in the present moment and truly experiencing your life
- Need for constant movement and/or action, something ALWAYS needs to be done. It feels almost easier to move, yet draining all at once. You would like to stop, but at this point, you’re not sure you can.
- Anger and frustration, which are keeping you from being the best version of yourself.
- The tendency to attract people (personal and professional relationships) who are limited in their perspective, which frustrates you.
- Ups and downs, repetitive highs and lows in your emotions, judgment, and/or motivation.
- Lack of clarity, meaning you know what you don’t want your life to be like, however, your true purpose is not yet clear.
- Feeling of discomfort when opening up to your true feelings and emotions.
- You perhaps see the potential benefits of doing the inner work, but it seems like a long and dreadful process.
The truth is, you can live a life free of compromise, a life of true fulfillment and wholeness. All that is standing in your way is your subconscious mind, let me show you how to tame it.
The Way Of The Elements™
A perfect combination of mindset, subconscious work, spiritual principles, and shamanic practices to unlock the part of you that has long been dormant.
You have all the answers within you, and I am here to guide you to them.

If you are here, then I assume you are done accepting BS statements such as “that’s the way things are”, “life is unfair”, “life is a b*tch, what can we do?!”, “accept what you are given”. No, that’s not you! You are a winner, you know it is your birthright to thrive! You know you have the power to create the reality you want, beyond the limiting beliefs that you’ve been taught. You know you are far greater than your environment, and I know it too.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
— Albert Einstein
Truth is, most of what we think we want, what we think will make us happy comes from our programming, meaning it is NOT actually ours. This is why nothing is enough, because it is not our true nature, it is not our true calling. Your True Selves longs for something greater, deeper, everlasting. Let me help you connect to your limitless Essence.
This is a 4 month program for motivated and driven individuals who are ready to explore their depths, evolve their consciousness, and reach their full potential.
Are you ready to…
- live your potential, not just dream about it
- expand your consciousness
- access your inner resources
- take your power back from external forces
- see possibility where others see only limitations
- uncover your true desires, instead of living the life you were taught to
- face your shadow, address your pain points and step into wholeness
- learn how to cultivate unwavering peace
- deepen your level of presence to fully live your life
- tap into the true source of abundance
- be seen, understood, heard and known for who you are
- own your authentic expression and never settle again
- set sacred personal practices and habits to ensure prosperity
Are you ready to meet the true, most powerful version of yourself? The you that DOESN’T settle, the you that is whole and complete, the you that you came here to be
You came here to thrive and create, so why live anything less than an undoubtedly joyous, fulfilled, and powerful life? To go on believing the limiting stories of those around you. To dread the next day or the next thing on your to-do list. Too many people are listening to the “just think positive” type of advice, that simply doesn’t work, or going for surface-level solutions that can’t be enough and continue to live in complete misalignment with what they truly want and who they truly are. It doesn’t have to be this way for you!
In this four month program you will receive:
Energetic assessment performed before our first session, which will help you identify any existing blocks and get crystal-clear in regards to what you would like to focus on during our work together.
Eight 1:1 private sessions to support you throughout your transformation.
A subconscious journey to identify and clear the deeply rooted blocks that keep you from thriving.
Short and digestible weekly Way Of The Elements™ material to transform your life on all four levels.
Step-by-step guidance
Powerful, unwavering accountability (You will be held to your HIGHEST!)
The Method
The Way Of The Elements™ program is based on, you guessed it, the four elements, and therefore four pillars. We will be focusing on each pillar for a period of four weeks. You will learn and incorporate tools, practices, and methods from each one, and will be encouraged to combine and integrate them into your daily life.

Week 1-4: Earth – rooting, grounding, and finding your center. The step of this program is all about building a strong, unshakable foundation for your well-being. For true personal transform to take place, there has to be a shift on all four levels: the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. You will therefore be guided to and encouraged to find, as well as incorporate various practices to cultivate that inner strength and abundance on all levels.
This is also where we tap into presence, the foundational piece of this program. Although becoming present may be simple, constantly getting back to it and living in this state is a completely different question. We are always pulled back by outside events, people, and worst of all, our subconscious and energetic blocks. For this reason, a large part of our work together will be focused on addressing these blocks through a variety of ways, including but not limited to inner child work, shamanism, past life regressions, and others.

Week 5-8: Water – mastering your emotional body. Water can present itself in form of a gentle stream, a waterfall that has the power to kill, and everything in between. The focus of the second month will be learning how to work with the feeling and emotions that arise within you, more specifically, how to make them work for you, not against you. This work will include mindset, subconscious rewiring, as well as energetic clearing.

Week 9-12: Fire – Unleash your inner flame. This is where we tap into your heart’s desires, your purpose, your calling. This stage includes both the ego and mind work, which entails getting crystal on your values and intentions, as well as connecting to your heart’s desire, your purpose, your calling. Without setting an intention, a clear destination, we would never be able to arrive there. Your vision is not limited to your intention, but rather gaining a clear understanding of the values, goals, and priorities that are aligned with you on all levels. The reason this is crucial is that these very elements are used by your minds as foundational blocks that determine your life.

Week 13-16: Air – access your direct knowledge to manifest the life you want. Your intuition is your fast-track to getting what you want. It is no secret that many great discoveries came from a place of “no thought”, some of the most successful people received their ideas in their dreams or while taking a shower. During this part of the journey, you will learn to tap into this source of limitless knowledge, as well as learn and incorporate the secrets of manifesting the reality you truly desire into being.
My approach is holistic in its nature, and a strong emphasis is made on the Hermetic aphorism “As within so without, as above so below.” Because you are in constant interaction with the world, it is essential to build the right relationship with it. This relationship is built simultaneously as one does the inner work. Once you build a deep inner connection, you automatically gain an understanding of all things, you come in alignment with the rhythm of nature. In that connection, you will inevitably find infinite knowledge, inspiration, and peace. Life takes care of life.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is this different from most programs out there?
Most practitioners will take you down the rabbit hole of regression work. Identifying the “root” of your problem. These “root causes” most often originate from childhood, but this goes on endlessly. There’s always another block, another memory, and then another one, then another one, some will keep going further down, into to past lives. I don’t do that. Although sometimes things can come up from presence, I do not intentionally take my clients down the dreadful exploration path. You are not your past and there is no point in digging anything up. You are here now and that is what we will are working with.
Do I need prior knowledge of psychology or spirituality for this program, or regular meditation practice?
Absolutely not! When I first experienced that wholeness, which I speak of, I did not even know what “being present” meant, I have never meditated in my life at that point. I am here to give you the shortcut to what takes people years to accomplish, taking you out of the personal development maze that so many people get stuck in. You don’t need to meditate 4h per day, you don’t need to know the depths of it all, that’s what I do! I’m here to significantly facilitate this process for you, so that you don’t waste your time and energy. I will show you a variety of the most effective tools and practices, from which you can choose for yourself.
Although this sounds great, I don’t easily open up. Can I still get the full benefit from this program?
As someone who had a master’s degree in trust issues in the past, I completely understand this. As I worked with my teachers, I was not open to sharing all of myself from day 1. This is why I offer the FREE Clarity Call. This call is very important to me because this is an opportunity for us to meet, see if we align, and for you to get clarity on what you want. Considering that it may or may not be this program, having this call saves everybody’s time and energy in the long run.
Additionally, a large part of this process is learning how to be there for yourself. You do not have to face your mind and emotions alone, that can be way too overwhelming, I am there with you. You are not asked to open up to me, you are opening to yourself. You are in control of the pace we go at and the tools you prefer to work with.
When do we start?
We can begin a week after all the organizational matters are covered (signed agreement and payment). During that first week, I perform an energetic assessment and send it to you so that you have a better overview and can therefore decide what you want to work on and/or how.
What if I have another question?
All questions are welcome. Send me an email at or send me a message on Instagram!