The subconscious journey
serenity, peace, clarity, and ultimate freedom are one recording awayThe Subconscious Journey experience is here to unlock the incredible power of your subconscious mind, which will connect you to your limitless essence, and welcome infinite abundance into your life. May you make the very most of this experience!
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With this recording you will…
⫸ Become deeply centered and present
⫸ Reset your nervous system for profound relaxation
⫸ Rebuild connection with the long lost parts of yourself
⫸ Open dialogue with your subconscious mind to unveil what you need to know
⫸ Practice Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness
What if it didn’t matter if you got that job, or had that perfect relationship, or whether your parents, family, or friends approved of your actions and choices? What if there was a way to source happiness from within?
The pathway to creating the life you want is being in alignment with it. Truth be told, experiencing absolute fulfillment all the time may be challenging to do with everything we have going on each day. I invite you to try living from the inside out, instead of the outside in. This recording is your stepping stone towards exactly that, leading you to self-mastery and true personal freedom.