Understand this and you’ll be forever free: Your mind is a liar.
Working with so many people, as well as having spent countless hours doing my own deep inner work, there is always a hurt, forgotten, neglected inner child with his/her own story at the root of it all. However, the question to really ask is βis it really true?β AND βcan it be ok if it isn’t?β.
A man was convinced that his parents didn’t care about him, he claimed that they never even attended any of his childhood baseball games. He finally gathered up the courage to confront his parents about this long-buried hurt, but conversation took a very different turn. His mother, as she heard of this, was feeling very confused, telling him that she and his father attended literally each one of his games, and showed him pictures to prove it! But how can this be?! He remembered so clearly that feeling of being alone and let down.
I, myself, have a very similar case. Back when I was working through my own money blocks, it became evident to me that the origin was one of my parents. I grew up seeing my mother constantly struggling with money. Even when she had it, it seemed like nothing was ever enough. In one of my regression sessions, I experienced an early memory of my mother’s lack mentality. I was determined to release it and decided to investigate further, in order to have closure with that aspect of myself. Growing up, I would every so often hear mentionings of how things were difficult when my mother was pregnant with me, she left my dad, my grandmother wouldn’t help her, she was living with my godmother and her family in a tiny apartment. That is what my Mind remembered, however, it wasn’t true. When I asked her about it she told me that, in fact, the very opposite was true! Yes, the living situation was tough, but she was surrounded by people she really trusted, she worked several jobs and was making more than enough. As it turns out, there was no struggle, I have ALWAYS been provided for, all the way from the womb.
Why didn’t my Mind remember it that way? Why did I believe in lack of money? Where did it come from? It didn’t matter. Think of it as a child making up a story about a monster. Doesn’t the why or origin really matter? No, they do not. Whenever we make it matter, we get sucked into the story, we identify with the dream, and then have the need of trying to fix it, to adjust it to our liking.
The man’s Mind made up a story of abandonment and falsified proof to support that story, mine did the same with the money mindset, and yours does the same on daily basis, whether it is simple everyday things or foundational beliefs. Your Mind creates proof of that which you focus on, validation of what you choose to believe. This is true for both positive and negative belief systems, however, most people have been wired to operate from survival mode, and until that is shifted from within, one’s Mind will more likely continue to entertain the negatives more often than positives.
This post is a reminder for you to play. The Mind is a wonderful thing, it is here to support you, to allow you to experience Life in this form. However, it is not to be trusted, it is a trickster, and so, I encourage you to love it as such. Play, but don’t believe in the game.
All the best and much love ππ
P.s. If you are ready and committed to taking control of your life and to permanently shifting that limited default programming into one that actually serves you and helps you create the very best version of your life, the 90-day 1:1 Self Mastery Program is for you! You know you’re here to rise above your environment, and I want to support you in living that! If this is you, take that first YES-step and apply right here.