Give yourself what your heart desires because you deserve it all! ❤️
The other day I finally went on the hot air balloon ride, which I promised myself for a long time. Last year, when this desire first came to be, I decided to wait because I wanted the money to come from a particular source. Once I reached that target, I had to postpone the experience because my vision of it involved a warm summer morning, and it was currently November, and nowhere near “warm”. Funny enough, as spring came along and it was time to book the flight, I still tried to settle for mediocrity by instead going to an amusement park, which had a balloon ride that I believed to be a sort-of-kind-of-good-enough equivalent of what I wanted and MUCH cheaper. Luckily, the day I visited the park that particular ride didn’t work due to the high wind. The wonderful thing was the writing on the balloon.
At that moment, I got the opportunity to ask myself: Am I settling yet again?
I was, I really was. Even after having spent countless hours of inner work, after overcoming my fears one after the other, after moving towards what I wanted, here I was, once again getting tricked by the Mind, because that is what it does, and it is exceptional at it!
The very next day I woke up clearly stating that this will be the day I book the hot air balloon ride. Additionally, I’ve also set an intention that the ride will cost me significantly less than what I know these to cost, as I’ve been keeping my eye on the prices over the last year. I figured that living so close to France and Germany should provide some cheaper alternatives, but even then, I must admit, the intended price was quite unrealistic.
To my surprise, later that day I found a voucher (or rather it found me) that made my hot air balloon ride cost me the exact amount I intended! Ask and it is given.
This was my best, THIS was me giving myself the very best experience I could offer, and as I’ve learned over the years, loving radically and unconditionally, free of attachment, always gets rewarded.
With this post, I ask you: Are you demanding of yourself the very best that you are capable of? Are you owning your life, or are you going with the flow while settling for whatever life gives you? The power lies in both. It is the balance of clear intention and decisive action, as well as surrender and grace that make Life the magical experience that it is and enable you to experience the very best, most fulfilling version of it.
Most people say “I will do it someday” or “later”. There is no later! It literally doesn’t exist! Only the present moment is real, that’s all we have! What is the VERY BEST that you are capable of this week? Let me know below and LET’S GOOOO! You’ve got this!
All the best and much love 🙏💛
P.s. Do you need some extra help living the life you truly love and desire? The life that feels not just “ok”, but exhilarating, thrilling, and straight-up magical? It’s possible! I’m saying it because I know, because I’ve lived “good” and decided to not settle for anything less than “AMAZING!”. You can too! Join The Powerful Self monthly membership, which was created to support you in keeping your frequency high and enabling you to confidently move forward towards the life you want and feel amazing about every day! More information RIGHT HERE.