Do you know your greatest strength?
I really wonder what you’re thinking. Some may say it is an accomplishment, perseverance, trust, freedom, volition, maybe presence, anything else?
Take a moment…breathe into your answer.
Those are all great, but none are possible without one thing. What I am about to share with you is often judged, shamed, ridiculed, and yet it is the most beautiful and powerful thing there is. It is the force that can create and destroy, and the reason I am sharing this with you is so that you can use it for creation! 🙌
The truth is, that a person’s greatest strength is their open heart. Can you stay open when you want to close down? Can you stay when you want to walk away? Can you love when you feel unloved by another? “I try” – some may say. Then it’s not real, because the openness of your heart begins from within.
Can you stay open to your pain, when all you want to do is walk away from it? Can you accept and love your judgments even though a part of you would rather pretend they weren’t there? Can you love all parts of yourself unconditionally and radically? Are you willing to step into wholeness so that you can manifest all you’ve ever dreamed of with ease and joy? It all begins from within.
Start right now.
Take a deep breath in…
Once again, the deepest breath you’ve taken all day. Really give yourself the gift of this moment.
You are absolutely incredible.
You are strong, and your true strength lies is your beautiful heart, in the life force that resides within you. Can you feel safe enough to let it shine through?
I trust that you can.
If you’re willing, I invite you to set an intention for the day: “I am open to receiving guidance from my heart today” and just see what happens.
All the best and much love,
Anna 💛🙏
P.s. You won’t believe how many of my clients don’t allow themselves to go there! Many of them have so much repressed anger stuck inside of them, a few have been at the point where the emotion solidified and created physical symptoms. I can relate to this because only a few years ago I myself have had so many stuck emotions within me. I didn’t know what to do with them, I didn’t know how to set them free, and I sure as hell did not want to feel them.
I didn’t know what to do and the walls were closing it because the heaviness kept piling on. I get it. The great news is that there’s an easy way. This is what I will be sharing in the upcoming workshop “From and Anger to peace of mind”. It will be free for only a few days, so make sure to check it out on Monday, May 23rd. Sign up HERE + get your free bonus gift.