I see so much content about abusive relationships on social media platforms, which I think is great because these issues need to be addressed. However, today I would like to address another important relationship dynamic we are all experiencing. Our relationship with money.

They say that in most relationships there is a dominant partner. Let’s apply this to your relationship with money. Who is the dominant one? Are you using the money to create the life you want or is money controlling you? Honestly now, how many times did you want to spend money on something that might spark that light in your eyes but said to yourself “I don’t want to spend the money”. I don’t mean purchasing a Ferrari, Iet’s think smaller, like a lot smaller. I’m talking about something simple, yet something that would improve your day. Can you think of such a thing?

For example, I used to be the kind of person who would never spend money on a handmade porcelain mug because I could buy a mug in a shop for MUCH less (seriously, it’s like 5x the price). I did not value the energy that the handmade item would bring to me or into my home, I did not appreciate the time or self-expression of the person creating that mug. I never even considered it. It all came down to the cost. I wasn’t making the rules, money was making the rules.

To me, life coaches, business coaches, workshops, retreats all seemed like too much money and not worth the cost. Now I understand how wrong I was. This understanding came long before I was guided to becoming a coach myself by the way. I understood that the benefits you receive when paying for such a service are TREMENDOUS. However, I don’t think these kinds of things are for everyone. These services are for people who are willing to prioritize themselves, their growth, their life. Those who do not want to be the victim in their relationship with money. This is a long term investment, and for those who are new to investing, it can seem risky and terrifying.

It is important to remember that money is energy. Energy needs to move. You must learn to give freely, keeping in mind the benefits that you are receiving, feel the gratitude and similarly it will come back to you. If you are spending with a heavy heart then don’t do it, if you do not see the benefit of the service that you are using, why are you using it?

You receive whatever you put out into the world. If you keep evaluating your health, happiness, physical and emotional well-being over money, then what do you expect will happen? The Universe will treat you in the exact same way! It will treat you as if your health, happiness, and well-being are secondary

Be what you want to see. That’s how you get more of it.

Money is a terrible master, but an excellent servant.

P.T. Barnum

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